
In this section, we’ll cover implementing OAuth within your third party application.

Please refer to our overview for gaining access to and setting up your first OAuth Application.

OAuth Implementation Workflow

On a high level, OAuth workflow for the application developer is the following:

Matterport OAuth Explicit Flow

  1. The OAuth app developer registers their app with Matterport and configures a redirect URI and Scopes.
  2. The OAuth app developer uses a generated Client ID and Client Secret in the OAuth app.
  3. The user accesses a 3rd Party Application and is presented with the option to ‘Connect to Matterport.’
  4. The end user clicks to open an authorization screen hosted on the Matterport Authorization Server in a modal window.
  5. The end user authorizes the app to access their data by providing their Matterport username and password to the Matterport Authorization Server.
  6. The Matterport Authorization Server provides an authorization code and refresh token to the redirect URI and the modal window closes.
  7. The OAuth Application Redirect Page uses the authorization code to acquire an initial access token and a refresh token with a 30 day expiration.
  8. The OAuth Application receives the access token and expiration time. The refresh_token remains stored on the server side. Subsequent access tokens can be acquired using the refresh token on the OAuth Application Server, without end user input.
  9. Potential Use: The OAuth Application uses the access token as a Bearer Token to display private models.
  10. Potential Use: The OAuth Application can then use the access token to authenticate API calls.

Authorization Flow Guide

The user will need to be redirected to Matterport’s authorization page to log in and, if they have more than one Matterport account, to select which account to use with your application.

The authorization URL is:

Authorization Query Parameters

Parameter Required? Value
client_id Yes ClientID - The client ID for your application.
response_type Yes code - Return an Authorization Code.
token - Return an access_token (for implicit flow OAuth applications only)
redirect_uri No url - The Redirect URL configured for the OAuth application. Not required if the application only has a single redirect URI
scope Yes A space-delimited list of OAuth Scopes the applications is requesting. All of the scopes requested must be configured for the OAuth application.


The user will then be presented with the opportunity to view the scopes requested and decide whether they want to authorize the application.

Scopes Description
ViewPublic Search for public models within the resource owner’s organization and view public details of a model.
ViewDetails Search for models within the resource owner’s organization and view public/private details of a model
EditDetails Edit details of a model
DownloadAssets Download assets associated with a model
PurchaseAssets Purchase assets for a model

OAuth Authorization Prompt

Authorization Code Grant

If the user agrees to authorize the application, they will be redirected back to the application and the URL will contain the authorization information requested.

For an authorization code, the redirect might look something like this: https://myoauthapp.test?code=wdi42eyt7pugyxze3i9ushz5d

The value of the code query parameter is the authorization code, which will be used in the next step to get an access token and a refresh token.

Retrieve an Access Token Using an Authorization Code

After the user has authorized the application, and an authorization code has been sent to the redirect_uri, the application can request an access token from the API via a server-side script API request.

To request a token, make a HTTP POST request with a Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded to the token URL endpoint:

Post Body Fields

Key Required? Value
grant_type Yes authorization_code
code Yes The authorization code received when the user authorized the application.
scope Yes A space-delimited list of OAuth scopes being requested. This should match with what the user authorized.
client_id Yes The client ID.
client_secret Yes The client secret.
redirect_uri No* The Redirect URL configured in the OAuth app. *Required if it was included in the authorization request.
expires_in No Duration expression 15m, 60s, etc. Optionally set the expiration of the returned token. Duration is maxed to the app’s configured token expiration time.

Sample Response:

  "access_token": "3mwbyppm4u0gz1z14ktqtiteb",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3599,
  "refresh_token": "ichxdbm59z74m6tkcbqi092rc"

The access_token value should then be used to access the Matterport API directly, in the Authorization header, using the standard OAuth format of “Authorization: Bearer <token>”.

The refresh_token value can be used to request a new access token when the expiration time is near By default, refresh tokens are valid for 30 days.

The expires_in value indicates how long the access token is valid in seconds. By default, this is 1 day.

Your application should store these values along with the current time so that your application can know when the token will expire.

Retrieve a New Access Token Using a Refresh Token

To request a new access token, make a server-side HTTP POST request with a Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded to:

Key Value
grant_type refresh_token
refresh_token The refresh token generated using the authorization code in the previous step.
client_id The client ID.
client_secret The client secret.

Sample Response:

  "access_token": "r3gxncgp4xksmdtectyzw1s8c",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3599

Refresh Token Rotation

While your refresh_token is valid for 30 days, after 24 hours, it will become stale. After 24 hours, the next request for a new access_token will also return a new refresh_token.

Please be sure to pay attention to the returned refresh_token. Make sure to capture this new value for subsequent access_token refreshes.

Refresh Token rotation is a standard part of OAuth. For more information on refresh_token rotation, please see RFC6749 from the OAuth Spec

Refresh Token Revocation

The Matterport user who granted access or any administrators for the organization that access was granted to can revoke access at any time, in which case any active tokens will expire and the refresh token will no longer be allowed to generate new access tokens.

In this case, the request to generate a new access token using the revoked refresh token will return an invalid_grant error. The server should discard this refresh token and can prompt the user with a new authorization code flow to attempt to regain access.

Sample response (HTTP 400):

  "error": "invalid_grant"