The Scene namespace provides the ability to create and add 3D objects and/or introduce new behavior to an SDK Application.


The hierarachy within the Scene is fairly simple and contains three levels.

graph TD IObject --> INode INode --> IComponent

Object: The root object that is responsible for creating and aggregating Nodes, and coordinating communication between them and their Components.

Node: An object that aggregates Components and acts as a root 3D transform for them.

Component: An object that defines behavior and/or 3D objects that will be part of the Scene. Most of the application code will be implemented here.

Creating Your Own Scene

To get started, we’ll need to get some initial boilerplate out of the way by creating an Object and Node. Multiple Objects or Nodes can be created if necessary.

const [sceneObject] = await mpSdk.Scene.createObjects(1);
// if we only want one node:
const node = sceneObject.addNode(/* optionally, we can set the node's id here */);

// ... we will be registering and adding components to nodes here in the following sections

// and finally start running the components in our scene

Adding Basic Components

To introduce Components, and get them up and running, we will start off with basic, non-3D Components.

The first step is to create the Component’s class. Components support five lifecycle methods, including onInit, onTick, and onDestroy. The other two are related to inputs and events, which we’ll discuss later.

  • onInit is called only once when the Component is started.
  • onDestroy is called only once just prior to the Component being stopped.
  • onTick is called every frame (similar to a requestAnimationFrame) with the time delta since the previous call.

A Component that implements those 3 lifecycles would looks like this.

class BasicComponent {
  onInit() {

  onTick(delta) {
    console.log('`onTick`', delta);

  onDestroy() {

Running the BasicComponent

Now that we have a BasicComponent with some lifecycles, we need to register it, add it to a node, and get it running.

First, registering is done through the Scene.register function. We provide a “name” (as a string) and a factory to create the component.

await mpSdk.Scene.register('basic', () => new BasicComponent());

Then, we’ll add it to our Node we created earlier. We use the “name” of the component just registered. We can save a reference to the component returned by addComponent.

const basic = node.addComponent('basic');
// if we wanted to run more than one instance of the component, we can add more
const basic2 = node.addComponent('basic');
const basic3 = node.addComponent('basic');
const basic4 = node.addComponent('basic');
// ...

After we’ve added as many BasicComponents as we want to our nodes, we’ll start our scene using our previously created Object.


At any time, we can stop our scene.

// stop our Object after 1 second
setTimeout(() => sceneObject.stop(), 1000);

Now that we’ve started, ran, and stopped our object, a few things should have happened.

  1. The component should have started and logged an “onInit” message.
  2. The component should have started printing an “onTick” message with a time delta numerous times.
  3. A final “onDestroy” message should have been logged and the “onTick” messages stopped.

Aside: Component Constructor Functions

While not necessary to understanding how Components work, there is at least one thing we glossed over (and didn’t include in our class): the Component’s constructor function and its relation to the factory passed to register. If a component needs to have some additional data that’s separate from the “inputs” (that we’ll introduce in the next lesson), we can add a constructor and pass data in through the factory. Another example of this is given in Events, Emits.

class ComponentWithCtor {
  constructor(private secretPass: string) {}

const secretPass = '1234';
await mpSdk.register('secretPassComponent', () => new ComponentWithCtor(secretPass));


View or download the source here

To run this example, import the startBasicComponents function and pass the mpSdk instance to it.

import { startBasicComponents } from './basicComponent';

const mpSdk; // initialized from a successful `connect` call

Continue Reading

To learn how to:

  • Push data into and out of Components
  • Connect data between components so they can automatically update and respond to changes
  • Spy on changes or events of a Component

Continue reading in Connecting Components