
Starting Your Project

The Web Component package will work with any framework (React, Vue, Svelte, etc) or vanilla JavaScript or TypeScript.

Let’s start a project using vanilla JS and Webpack. Tools like Vite can be useful if you’d like to skip some of the setup work, but for now we’ll stick with creating the project manually. (If you know how to create a project where you can npm install or yarn add dependencies, you can do so and skip ahead.)

Open the command line and navigate to the folder where you want your project. Then create a project folder and navigate into it. We’ll call our project and its folder mp-webcomponent:

mkdir mp-webcomponent
cd mp-webcomponent

Initialize a new NPM or Yarn project. (Choose one or the other, whichever you prefer - we will provide instructions for both in this tutorial.) You can accept the default values in all of the prompts.

# yarn
yarn init

# npm
npm init

Next, install Webpack and a few plugins:

# yarn
yarn add --dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server html-webpack-plugin

# npm
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server html-webpack-plugin

And install Three:

# yarn
yarn add three@0.151

# npm
npm install three@0.151

Create a file called webpack.config.js at your project root and set it up by pasting the following content:

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  entry: "./src/index.js",
  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, "./dist"),
    filename: "index_bundle.js",
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      template: path.resolve(__dirname, "./src/index.html"),
  devServer: {
    static: [path.resolve(__dirname, "static")],

Add the following scripts property (or replace the existing one) at the top level of your package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "webpack serve --mode=development",
  "build": "webpack"

Finally, add a folder called src to the project root, and add a file called index.js and one called index.html inside src:

mkdir src
touch src/index.html
touch src/index.js
Your project folder should now look like this:
| node_modules
| package.json
| src/
|-- index.html
|-- index.js
| webpack.config.json

Your terminal should be in the mp-webcomponent directory

(Don’t worry if you see extra package-lock.json or yarn.lock files - those are generated for internal use by NPM and Yarn, respectively.)

Adding the Web Component

Next, we’ll add the Web Component:

# yarn
yarn add @matterport/webcomponent

# npm
npm install @matterport/webcomponent

And we’ll add the static assets:

# yarn
yarn matterport-assets static

# npm
npx matterport-assets static

Open index.js and import the Web Component by adding this line:

import '@matterport/webcomponent';

Then open index.html and add this line:

<matterport-viewer m="SxQL3iGyoDo"></matterport-viewer>

The Web Component wraps a custom web component that contains the 3D Matterport viewer; the m attribute sets the ID of the model you’d like to load. The value of m here is a sample space you can use for testing and dev.

Start your server:

# yarn
yarn dev

# npm
npm run dev

and navigate to localhost:8080. You should see a Matterport viewer and a sample space on your page.

Interacting with the Space

You can interact with the space by providing your SDK key to the application-key attribute (see here if you don’t have an SDK key yet):

<matterport-viewer m="SxQL3iGyoDo" application-key="YOUR_SDK_KEY"></matterport-viewer>

Once you’ve done that, the viewer will emit two events you can listen for:

  1. mpSdkConnected - the SDK is connected and ready to use.
  2. mpSdkPlaying - the SDK is connected and ready to use, and the camera is ready to start accepting commands (ie, any intro fly-in has completed and the camera has stopped moving).

Both events have the same call signature, so you can swap out mpSdkPlaying for mpSdkConnected if needed. In index.js:

const viewer = document.querySelector('matterport-viewer');
viewer.addEventListener('mpSdkPlaying', evt => {
  const mpSdk = evt.detail.mpSdk;
  mpSdk.Camera.rotate(90, 0);

An even easier route is using the sdkPromise/playingPromise properties provided by the component, which correspond with the mpSdkConnected event and the mpSdkPlaying event, respectively.

To use those properties, add the following to your index.js file:

const main = async () => {
  const mpSdk = await document.querySelector('matterport-viewer').playingPromise;
  mpSdk.Camera.rotate(90, 0);

Note that if you’re using TypeScript you can set up querySelector to preserve strong typing:

const mpSdk = await document.querySelector<MatterportViewer>('matterport-viewer')!.playingPromise;

If you’ve added a working SDK key, you should see the model load, fly in, and turn to the right.

Next Steps

At this point, you can work with anything from any of the mpSdk namespaces, including Tags, Measurements, Scene objects, and more. Enjoy, and please reach out to with any questions or issues!