Webhooks, sometimes referred to as “reverse APIs,” function like an API that’s triggered by events rather than requests. Matterport’s webhook framework lets you subscribe to events so that you can get real-time notifications and updates. This way, instead of your system having to repeatedly ask Matterport’s system whether an event occurred, you can set up a webhook so that you’re notified when it happens.

Getting Started

The ability to register Webhook callbacks with the Matterport system requires:

  • Account Feature Unlock
  • Developer License Unlock and API Tokens
  • Enterprise Subscription Plan

Once enabled, Webhook callbacks can be registered and managed through the our Model API.

Registering a Model Event Callback

Webhook callback registration and management for model events is handled through various mutations to the Model API.

The addModelEventWebhookCallback mutation registers a callback URL through a WebhookCallbackInput object for specified eventTypes. Optional query parameters can be included, as well as basic or token credentials for authentication.

For security reasons, it’s recommended to provide credentials for the Webhook callback registration.

mutation addWebhook {
    input: {
      eventTypes: [created, deleted]
      callback: {
        scheme: "http"
        host: "myawesomeapi.com",
        port: 9090
        path: "testWebhook"
        credType: basic
        credKey: "Your API Key"
        credSecret: "Your API Secret"
        additionalHeaders: [
          { key: "key1", value: "value1" }
          { key: "key2", value: "value2" }
        queryParams: [
          { key: "key1", value: "value1" }
          { key: "key2", value: "value2" }
      version: 2
  ) {
    callback {

Sample Response:

  "data": {
    "addModelEventWebhookCallback": {
      "id": "887n9rwrdxytnttms0t1h02mc",
      "eventTypes": [
      "callback": {
      version: 2

Try this query in our interactive console

You may use the queryParams object to define additional parameters that will be passed to your endpoint. If your endpoint requires additional headers, you may also pass them as key/value pairs.

For reference, please review the schema for this mutation.


The version field allows a user to select the version of Webhooks that they are wishing to implement. Webhooks version 2 was introduced in November 2024 and is documented on this page. For reference materials on the prior version, please visit the Webhooks v1.0 (deprecated) reference guide.

Event Types

The following events can subscribed to with WebHooks v2.0.

Event Description
activation_state_changed The activation state of the model changed (active, archived or pending)
bundle_updated The state of an addon bundle for this model changed (requested or delivered)
created A model has been created after upload
deleted A model has been deleted
details_changed A model’s details object has been modified
processed A model has completed processing
restored A model has been restored
transferred_in A model has been transferred into your account
transferred_out A model has been transferred out of your account
visibility_changed A model’s privacy has changed

Webhook Callback Payload

Common attributes, all webhook events will have these properties at the root level.

Name Type Description
modelId ID! The model associated with the event.
version Long! The version associated with the model at this point.
webhookId ID! The ID of the webhook that was registered with this event.
webhookCustomKey String Optional user data associated with the webhook.
timestamp DateTime! The time the event was generated at.
type String! One of the event types from the following table
body JSON Object Defined by the following table

Webhook Body Object

Event Type Body
activation_state_changed { previous: { state: pending | active | inactive }
current: { state: pending | active | inactive } }
bundle_updated { status: requested | delivered | canceled | failed,
bundleId: string }
created { type: copy | demo | transfer | processing | unknown }
deleted { }
details_changed { previous: { … },
current: { … } }
processed { status: succeeded|failed, error: string }
restored { type: copy | demo | transfer | processing | unknown }
transferred_in { source: OrgID }
transferred_out { destination: OrgID}
visibility_changed { previous: { accessVisibility: privat | public | unlisted | active },
current: { accessVisibility: private | public | unlisted | active } }

The ModelDetailsChanged payload will not be propagated until model processing completes. The events that would trigger a ModelDetailsChanged event and would be included in the previous/current payloads:

  • address { * }
  • description
  • image { id }
  • internalId
  • mls { id name }
  • name
  • publication { description, externalUrl, presentedby, summary }

Model Processed & Activation State Changed

When a model has finished processing it may not immediately be active and ready to accept mutations.

For the majority of our users, a model will begin with a pending status. Our platform will analyze the number of scans to determine the number of active spaces that the model will consume and will check the available spaces left for your account. If the account has the capacity to store this new model, the model will then be set to active.

Performing a mutation immediately after a model has processed may result in an error. This race condition can be mitigated by subscribing to both the processed and activation_state_changed events and waiting until both the processed and active conditions have been met.

List Registered Model Event Callbacks

A list of registered Model Event callbacks can be acquired through the modelEventWebhookCallbacks query search. Like other search operations, results are paginated and can be iterated though by specifying the returned offset value for the next page.

query getModelEventCallbacks {
  modelEventWebhookCallbacks {
    results {
      callback {

Sample Response:

(Note the ids, as these will be used in the mutation to make any changes to the registered callback.)

  "data": {
    "modelEventWebhookCallbacks": {
      "totalResults": 1,
      "results": [
          "id": "887n9rwrdxytnttms0t1h02mc",
          "eventTypes": ["inserted", "updated", "deleted"],
          "callback": {
            "scheme": "https",
            "port": 80,
            "path": "myawesomeapi.com"

Try this query in our interactive console

Update a Model Event Callback

Once the callback id is received, the patchModelEventWebhookCallback mutation can be used to make updates to an already-registered callback.

mutation updateModelEventCallback($callbackId: ID!) {
    id: $callbackId
    input: {
      callback: {
        scheme: "https"
        host: "myawesomeapi.com"
        path: "v2/my/api/path"
        queryParams: [
          { key: "key1", value: "value1" }
          { key: "key2", value: "value2" }
        credType: basic
        credKey: "username"
        credSecret: "password"
      version: 2
  ) {
    callback {


  "callbackId": "XYZ"

Sample Response:

  "data": {
    "patchModelEventWebhookCallback": {
      "id": "887n9rwrdxytnttms0t1h02mc",
      "eventTypes": ["inserted", "updated", "deleted"],
      "callback": {
        "scheme": "https",
        "host": "myawesomeapi.com",
        "path": "v2/my/api/path"

Try this query in our interactive console

Remove a Model Event Callback

Model Event Callbacks can be removed using the removeModelEventWebhookCallback mutation.

mutation removeModelEventCallback($callbackId: ID!) {
  removeModelEventWebhookCallback(id: $callbackId)

Sample Response:

  "data": {
    "removeModelEventWebhookCallback": true

Try this query in our interactive console

Testing Model Event Callbacks

Tests for specific Model Events can be triggered using the pingModelEventWebhookCallback mutation. The mutation can be used to ping and event that would trigger the registered callback. A collection of mutations and queries used for testing a Webhook endpoint can be found at this interactive editor link.

Ngrok is one useful tool for testing a Webhook integration locally.

mutation testModelEvent($callbackId: ID!) {
  pingModelEventWebhookCallback(id: $callbackId)

Try this query in our interactive console

Model Event Callback FAQs

Can I make GET callbacks instead of POST?

No, only POST request callbacks are supported.

Can I make REST Callbacks instead of GraphQL?

Only GraphQL-based API callback registrations are available.

What is the error message like if id is wrong for patchModelEventWebhookCallback

Error fetching data