Scene Objects

Scene Object Reference Documentation

Scene objects aggregate nodes and are the central place where nodes are created, and data and events between components are connected and managed.

// Create a scene object. `createObjects` can create multiple objects and returns an array with that number of objects
const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1);
// Starts all nodes referenced by this scene object
// Stops all nodes referenced by this scene object. The scene object cannot be restarted after this function has been called

Scene Nodes

Scene Node Reference Documentation

Scene nodes contain and manage the lifecycle of their child components. Scene nodes have a 3D transform that parent child components.

Scene node have the following states:

  • Initializing - The scene node is not part of the scene graph during this state. Components can be added and property bindings can be created.
  • Operating - The scene node becomes active and is part of the scene graph. Child components are also operating.
  • Destroyed - The scene node and its components are removed from the scene graph and destroyed.
graph LR subgraph States id1[createNode] --> Initializing Initializing --> |start| Operating Operating --> |stop| Destroyed style id1 fill-opacity:0.1,stroke-width:0px end

// Create a scene object. `createObjects` can create multiple objects and returns an array with that number of objects
const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1)

// Create a scene node with an optional unique id
const node = sceneObject.addNode('my-node')

// Transitions the node to Operating if it is in the Initializing state. Calling this function has no effect if the node is already Operating

// Transitions the node to Destroyed state if it is in any state. Calling this function has no effect if the node is already Destroyed


Scene Component Reference Documentation

Components are associated to a single scene node. They are used to build appearance, behavior, and events in 3D. Components adhere to a standard interface making them reusable and shareable across multiple applications.

Component Lifecycle

Components have five callbacks,

  • onInit - This function is called when the scene node is started. Peer components are called in the order they were added to the scene node.
  • onEvent - This function is called once for each event that occured during the last frame.
  • onInputsChanged - This function is called prior to onTick but after onEvent. It is called once if any inputs property has changed during the last frame.
  • onTick - This function is called every frame.
  • onDestroyed - This function is called when the scene node is stopped. Component onDestroy callbacks are called in the reverse order they are added to the scene node.

During the Initializing state, components can be added and property bindings can be created. Calling start triggers onInit to be called on each component prior to entering the Operating state.

graph LR subgraph Initializing id1(addComponent) --> id2[setupBindings] id2 --> id3 id3(start) --> id4[onInit] style id1 fill-opacity:0.1,stroke-width:0px style id3 fill-opacity:0.1,stroke-width:0px style id2 stroke-dasharray: 5, 5 style id4 fill:#CEFFD7 linkStyle 1 stroke-width:0px end

During the Operating state, events, input changes and ticks are handled by each component.

graph LR subgraph Operating id1[onEvent] --> id2[onInputsChanged] id1 --queued event--> id1 id2 --> id3[onTick] style id1 fill:#CEFFD7 style id2 fill:#CEFFD7 style id3 fill:#CEFFD7 end

Upon entering the Destroyed state, components should free allocated resources.

graph LR subgraph Destroyed id1[stop] --> id2[onDestroyed] style id1 fill-opacity:0.1,stroke-width:0px style id2 fill:#CEFFD7 end
// Create a scene object. `createObjects` can create multiple objects and returns an array with that number of objects
const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1)

// Create a scene node with an optional unique id
const node = sceneObject.addNode('my-node')

// Adding a component to 'my-node' with optional initialInputs and option id
const initialInputs = {
  url: '',
const component = node.addComponent('mp.fbxLoader', initialInputs, "my-component")

// Start 'my-node'

// Destroying a scene node

Input and Output Dictionaries

Components have properties named inputs and outputs. These properties are dictionaries defined by the component. The inputs dictionary represents properties that affect the components behavior or appearance. The outputs dictionary represents properties computed by the component.

An example of a computed output,

function Sum() {
  this.inputs = {
    augend: 0,
    addend: 0,

  this.outputs = {
    sum: 0,

  // if any input changes, recompute the sum.
  this.onInputsUpdated = function() {
    this.outputs.sum = this.inputs.augend + this.inputs.addend;


Every component has a context property implicitly defined for it. The context contains access to

  • root, the node the component is attached to
  • three, the currently loaded THREE.js script from Showcase
  • renderer, Showcase’s active THREE.WebGLRenderer
class Renderable {
  onInit() {
    const THREE = this.context.three;
    this.outputs.objectRoot = new THREE.Mesh(
      new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 1, 1, 1 ),
      new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffff00 } ));

Emits and Event Subscriptions

Components also have properties named events and emits, and a function notify.

The events dictionary defines which type of events the component subscribes to. The keys of the dictionary define the event types. The values determine if the component receives those events – truthy values mean the component will, falsy values mean it won’t. Event subscriptions can be changed at will at any time.

The emits dictionary defines which events the component can emit through a call to its notify function. If the value of an event in emits is falsy, then it will not notify other components of that event. Otherwise, each call to notify triggers a call to onEvent of the component bound to it on the next iteration through the component lifecycle.

Receiving user input from the mouse or touch is possible using built-in event types like: INTERACTION.HOVER, INTERACTION.CLICK, INTERACTION.DRAG. For all supported input events, see InteractionType

class Clickable {
  events = {
    // subscribe to click events
    [ComponentInteractionType.CLICK]: true,

  emits = {
    // emit a clicked events
    clicked: true,


  onInit() {
    var THREE = this.context.three;
    this.outputs.collider = new THREE.Mesh();

  onEvent(eventType: string) {
    if (this.eventType === ComponentInteractionType.CLICK) {
      console.log('Clickable component was clicked!');
      // cancel the click event subscription, this component will no longer receive clicks[ComponentInteractionType.CLICK] = false;

      // tell other components that this component was clicked
      this.notify('clicked', { /* an optional payload */});

      // disable the 'clicked' emit
      this.emits.clicked = false;
      // this will NOT notify other components since `emits.clicked` was set to `false`


Paths create references to a property of a component’s inputs, outputs, events, or emits.

Paths are the primary mechanism used to connect two components together and to setup spies (more on spies in the next section). They can also be used to set values on inputs, and read values from outputs.

interface InputPath<T> {
  get(): T;
  set(newVal: T): void;

interface OutputPath<T> {
  get(): T;

Creating a Path

Paths are created through a scene object that they will be associated with.

// Create a scene object, node, and component
const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1);
const node = sceneObject.addNode();
const component = node.addComponent('sum');

// create and add a path that references the component's output
const sumOutputPath = sceneObject.addOutputPath(component, 'sum');

Binding Properties using Paths

A property binding is a connection from a component’s inputs property to another component’s outputs property. The inputs property is called the Binding Target and the outputs property is called the Binding Source. Changes to the Binding Source value will propagate to the Binding Target. Binding Targets should be treated as read-only.

// assume Sum() class from Inputs and Outputs Dictionaries section
const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1);
var node = await sceneObject.addNode();
var comp1 = node.addComponent('sum');
var comp2 = node.addComponent('sum');
var comp3 = node.addComponent('sum');

// create a path to comp1.inputs.augend
const comp1Augend = sceneObject.addInputPath(comp1, 'augend');
// create a path to comp1.inputs.addend
const comp1Addend = sceneObject.addInputPath(comp1, 'addend')
// create a path to comp2.outputs.sum
const comp2Sum = sceneObject.addOutputPath(comp2, 'sum');
// create a path to comp3.outputs.sum
const comp3Sum = sceneObject.addInputPath(comp3, 'sum');

// bind the the output (sum) of comp2 to the input (augend) of comp1
// bind the the output (sum) of comp3 to the input (addend) of comp1


// start modifying comp2's and comp3's inputs to automatically modify comp1's sum
comp2.inputs.augend = 5;
// output: 5

comp3.inputs.addend = 6;
// output: 11

graph LR a13 --> a00["11"] a01["5"] --> a21 a04["6"] --> a32 subgraph comp1 a11[augend] --> a13[sum] a12[addend] --> a13[sum] linkStyle 3 stroke-width:0px linkStyle 4 stroke-width:0px end subgraph comp2 a21[augend] --> a23[sum] a22[addend] --> a23[sum] a23[sum] --> |5| a11 linkStyle 5 stroke-width:0px linkStyle 6 stroke-width:0px end subgraph comp3 a31[augend] --> a33[sum] a32[addend] --> a33[sum] a33[sum] --> |6| a12 linkStyle 8 stroke-width:0px linkStyle 9 stroke-width:0px end

Event Bindings

An event binding is an alternative means of connecting two components. A component can notify other components an event has occurred by calling its notify function. The components that broadcast events are called Event Sources and components that recieve events are called Event Sinks. A source’s event name doesn’t have to match the sink’s name. The binding will map between the two. Event Bindings are implemented this way in order to facilitate the creation of components that are more reusable, easily swappable, and more decoupled.

class Clickable {
  emits = {
    clicked: true,
  // ...
  onEvent(eventType: string) {
class Random {
  events = {
    randomize: true

  outputs = {
    num: 0

  onEvent(eventType: string) {
    if (eventType === 'randomize') {
      this.outputs.num = Math.random();
// assume the previous two components have been registered
const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1);
const node = sceneObject.createNode();
const clickable = node.addComponent('clickable');
const random = node.addComponent('random');

// bind Random's 'randomize' event to Clickable's 'clicked' event
const emitPath = sceneObject.addEmitPath(clickable, 'clicked');
const eventPath = sceneObject.addEventPath(random, 'randomize');

sceneObject.bindPath(eventPath, emitPath);

// from now on when `clickable` is clicked, `random` updates its `output.num` value
graph LR notify --clicked--> map map --randomize--> onEvent subgraph Source notify end subgraph Event Binding map[event mapping] end subgraph Sink onEvent end style map stroke-dasharray: 5, 5


Spies create ways to receive callbacks when a component’s inputs or outputs change, or when it calls notify to emit an event. Spies work outside of Matterport’s component system so it is a way to bridge to other frameworks.

Calling spyOnEvent on a scene object will attach a spy to the path it is associated with. spyOnEvent returns an ISubscription which is used to remove the spy by calling its cancel function.

Spying on Emits

It is possible to spy on components’ events from outside of a component. A spy can listen for an emit with a specific eventType and will have its onEvent function called when the component it is attached to calls its notify function with that eventType.

// assume Clickable class from "Event Subscriptions" section
const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1);
const node = sceneObject.addNode();
const clickComponent = node.addComponent('clickable');

const clickPath = sceneObject.addEmitPath(clickComponent, 'clicked');
class ClickSpy implements MpSdk.Scene.ISceneObjectSpy<Intersect> {
  readonly path = clickPath;
  onEvent(type, data) {
    console.log('spied a notify. Event type:', type, 'w/ data', data);

// attach spies
const clickSubscription = sceneObject.spyOnEvent(new ClickSpy());


// from here, any time the Clickable component calls `notify('clicked')`, `ClickSpy.onEvent` will be called

// stop spying on the click events
graph LR notify --INTERACTION.CLICK--> handler subgraph Clickable notify end subgraph Click Spy handler[onEvent] end

Spying on Events

Spying on Inputs and Outputs

It is also possible to spy on inputs and outputs and watch them for changes. The type in the callback will either be 'inputsUpdated' or 'outputsUpdated' depending on which property the spy is attached to.

// assume Sum class from "Input and Output Dictionaries" section
const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1);
const node = sceneObject.addNode();
const sumComponent = node.addComponent('sum');

class SumSpy implements MpSdk.Scene.ISceneObjectSpy {
  readonly path = sumPath;
  onEvent(data) {
    console.log('spied a change to outputs.sum. New sum:', data);

class AddendSpy implements MpSdk.Scene.ISceneObjectSpy {
  readonly path = addendPath;
  onEvent(data) {
    console.log('spied change to inputs.addend. New addend value:', data);

// create the output path
const sumPath = sceneObject.addOutputPath(sumComponent, 'sum');
// create the input path
const addendPath = sceneObject.addInputPath(sumComponent, 'addend');

// attach spies
const sumSubscription = constsceneObject.spyOnEvent(new SumSpy());
const addendSubscription = sceneObject.spyOnEvent(new AddendSpy());


// making a change to the "Sum" component's `inputs.augend` will recompute its `output.sum` which will trigger the SumSpy's `onEvent` with the new sum value
sumComponent.inputs.augend = 1;

// making an input change is possible through paths
addendPath.set(4); // will trigger the AddendSpy's `onEvent`

// after the Sum component updates its `outputs.sum`
console.log(sumPath.get()); // will have a value of 5 (augend: 1 + addend: 4)

// stop spying on the input changes

// stop spying on the output changes