By default, the SDK bundle uses Matterport’s embedly account which is only enabled for the Matterport and localhost domains. In order to use media mattertags on your own site, you will need to obtain an embedly key configured for your site from Embedly.

To configure your application, you will need to do the following:

  1. Find showcase.html file at the root of the bundle zip file.

  2. Find the application config object in showcase.html. It should look like this,

    var detailObject = {
      config: {"apiHost":"","pointerPreventDefault":false}
  1. Append "embedlyKey": "YOUR_EMBEDLY_KEY" to the config object. Replace YOUR_EMBEDLY_KEY with your actual key. The result should look like the following:
    var detailObject = {
      config: {
        "apiHost": "",
        "pointerPreventDefault": false,
        "embedlyKey": "YOUR_EMBEDLY_KEY"