IObject | Matterport SDK
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A factory and container for a collection of scene nodes and components connected via property bindings.


  • IObject




  • Introduced

    Add and receive an EmitPath for an IComponent. It is also possible to spy when an event is emitted by creating an ISceneObjectSpy and calling spyOnEvent. The path can be bound to an EventPath of another (or the same) component to automatically trigger the component's IComponent.onEvent.

     class Clickable {
       public events = {
         clicked: true,
     // create an `IObject`, add an `INode` and an `IComponent` to the node, see the relevant functions (createObject, addNode, addComponent)
     const [object, node, component];
     // create the path
     const emitPath = object.addEmitPath(component, 'clicked');
     // bind the emit path so that it triggers the `emitPath`'s associated component's onEvent when an event is emitted
     object.bindPath(eventPath, emitPath);
     // observe emissions of 'clicked' events in component
       path: emitPath,
       onEvent(eventData) {
         console.log(`a 'clicked' event was emitted with the data: ${eventData}`);


    Returns Scene.EmitPath


  • Introduced

    Add and receive an EventPath for an IComponent. The path can be bound to an EmitPath of another (or the same) component to automatically trigger the component's IComponent.onEvent.

     class Renderable {
       public events = {
         rerender: true,
     // create an `IObject`, add an `INode` and an `IComponent` to the node, see the relevant functions (createObject, addNode, addComponent)
     const [object, node, component];
     // create the path
     const eventPath = object.addEventPath(component, 'rerender');
     // bind the event path so that it triggers the component's onEvent when `emitPath` emits an event
     object.bindPath(eventPath, emitPath);


    Returns Scene.EventPath


  • Introduced

    Add and receive an InputPath to the property of an IComponent. The returned InputPath can be used to read or set the value of property on component's inputs. Changes to the value can also be observed by creating an ISceneObjectSpy and calling spyOnEvent. The path can also be bound to an OutputPath of another (or the same) component to automatically update a component's input value.

     class Counter {
       public inputs = {
         count: 1,
     // create an `IObject`, add an `INode` and an `IComponent` to the node, see the relevant functions (createObject, addNode, addComponent)
     const [object, node, component];
     // create the path
     const inputPath = object.addInputPath(component, 'count');
     // observe changes to the value of `inputs.count` in component
       path: inputPath,
       onEvent(newValue) {
         console.log(`component.input.count's new value is ${newValue}`);
     // read and change the value of the input in the component
     const countValue = inputPath.get();
     inputPath.set(count + 1);
    // bind the path to the value from another (output) path
     object.bindPath(inputPath, outputPath);


    Returns Scene.InputPath


  • Adds a scene node to this scene object and returns it. If an id isn't provided, one will be autogenerated.


    • Optional id: undefined | string

      a optional unique id

    Returns Scene.INode

    The new scene node.


  • Create an array of scene nodes.


    • nodeCount: number

      the number of nodes to create. This value must be greater than zero.

    Returns Scene.INode[]

    An array of nodes.


  • Introduced

    Add and receive an OutputPath to the property of an IComponent. The returned OutputPath can be used to read the value of component's output property. Changes to the value can also be observed by creating an ISceneObjectSpy and calling spyOnEvent. The path can also be bound to an InputPath of another (or the same) component to automatically update a component's input value.

     class NumberGenerator {
       public outputs = {
         current: 1,
     // create an `IObject`, add an `INode` and an `IComponent` to the node, see the relevant functions (createObject, addNode, addComponent)
     const [object, node, component];
     // create the path
     const outputPath = object.addOutputPath(component, 'current');
     // observe changes to the value of `outputs.current` in component
       path: outputPath,
       onEvent(newValue) {
         console.log(`component.output.current's new value is ${newValue}`);
     // read and bind the value of the output to another component's input value
     const currentValue = outputPath.get();
     object.bindPath(inputPath, outputPath);


    Returns Scene.OutputPath



  • deprecated

    Use IObject.bindPath instead.

    Call this function to bind an input property of the target component to an output property of the source component between any nodes contained by this scene object.


    • targetComponent: Scene.IComponent

      The component listening to property changes.

    • targetProp: string

      The component input property name.

    • sourceComponent: Scene.IComponent

      The component broadcasting property changes.

    • sourceProp: string

      The component output property name.

    Returns void


  • Bind the value referenced by inputPath to the value of outputPath. As the value at outputPath changes, the value of inputPath will reflect it.

    const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1);
    const node = sceneObject.addNode();
    // mp.objLoader has an outputs.visible property
    const comp1 = node.addComponent('mp.objLoader');
    const outputPath = sceneObject.addOutputPath(comp1, 'visible', 'objLoader-visible');
    // myComponent has an inputs.toggleState property
    const comp2 = node.addComponent('myComponent');
    const inputPath = sceneObject.addInputPath(comp2, 'toggleState', 'myComponent-toggle');
    sceneObject.bindPath(inputPath, outputPath);
    // comp1.inputs.visible will now always equal comp2.outputs.toggleState


    Returns void

  • Bind an event referenced by eventPath to a IComponent.notify call at emitPath

    const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObject(1);
    const node = sceneObject.createNode();
    // myReceiver has an `onEvent` lifecycle function and an `events['do.update']` property
    const receiver = node.addComponent(`myReceiver');
    const eventPath = sceneObject.addEventPath(receiver, 'do.update', 'my-reciever-update');
    // myEmitter calls notify with an 'updated' event and has an `emits['updated']` property
    const emitter = node.addComponent('myEmitter');
    const emitPath = sceneObject.addEmitPath(emitter, 'updated', 'my-component-updated');
    sceneObject.bindPath(eventPath, emitPath);
    // receiver.onEvent('do.update', ...) will now be called whenever emitter calls notify('updated')


    Returns void


  • getValueAtPath(pathId: string): unknown
  • deprecated

    Use InputPath.get or OutputPath.get instead.

    Reads the output property of a path. The path must be added prior to calling this function.


    • pathId: string

    Returns unknown

    the value of the output property.


  • Returns in iterator iterating over all the nodes contained by this object.

    Returns IterableIterator<Scene.INode>


  • Returns an iterator containing a path and its descriptor. Typically used to access the paths from a deserialized scene object.

    // This example sets the values of all input paths provided by deserialized scene object.
    const deserialized = await sdk.Scene.deserialize(myString);
    const paths = deserialized.pathIterator();
    for (const { desc, path } of paths) {
      if (desc.type === Scene.PathType.INPUT) {
        // we know this path is an input path
        const inputPath = desc.path as Scene.InputPath;
        // Now you can set the value at the path
        // You can cache the returned input path to use it later.

    Returns IterableIterator<Scene.PathInfo>


  • setValueAtPath(pathId: string, value: unknown): void
  • deprecated

    Use InputPath.set instead.

    Sets the input property of a path. The path must be added prior to calling this function.


    • pathId: string

      The path id.

    • value: unknown

      The value to set.

    Returns void


  • Spy on events or input and output value changes

    const [sceneObject] = await sdk.Scene.createObjects(1);
    const node = sceneObject.createNode();
    // mp.objLoader has an outputs.visible property
    const comp1 = node.addComponent('mp.objLoader');
    const outputPath = sceneObject.addOutputPath(comp1, 'visible', 'objLoader-visible');
    const outputSpy = {
      path: outputPath,
      onEvent(type, data) {
        console.log('outputs updated', type, data);
    // outputSpy.onEvent('outputsUpdated', comp1.outputs.visible) will now be called whenever comp1.outputs.visible changes


    Returns ISubscription


  • start(): void
  • Starts all nodes referenced by this scene object.

    Returns void


  • stop(): void
  • Stops all nodes referenced by this scene object. The scene object cannot be restarted after this function has been called.

    Returns void