Sensor | Matterport SDK
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Our Sensor system allows for generating spatial queries to understand a Matterport digital twin. By utilizing and setting up Sources around the scene, some questions that can be answered are:

  • "what things are currently visible on screen?"
  • "what things are near me?"

where "things" can be Mattertag posts, sweeps, arbitrary locations (that you choose), or any combination of those.




BoxVolume: object

Type declaration

  • center: Vector3

    The center position of the box.

  • orientation: Orientation

    The orientation of the box. The rotations are applied in yaw, pitch, then roll order.

  • size: Vector3

    The length, width, and depth of the box volume.


CylinderVolume: object

Type declaration

  • basePoint: Vector3

    The point which defines the position (base) from which the height in the +Y, and radius in the XZ-plane are relative to.

  • height: number

    The height of the cylinder.

  • radius: number

    The radius of the cylinder.


SensorReading: object

Information about the Source as read by the Sensor.

Type declaration

  • direction: Vector3

    The world-space direction from the sensor to the source.

  • distance: number

    The distance between the sensor and the source.

  • distanceSquared: number

    The squared distance from the sensor to the source.

  • inRange: boolean

    The sensor is currently within the broadcast range of the source.

  • inView: boolean

    The sensor is within the source's broadcast range and the sensor has clear line of sight to the source.


SourceOptions: object

Additional userData to associate with an ISource when creating it. This is a free dictionary that can contain any key/values deemed necessary.

Type declaration

  • userData: UserData


SphereVolume: object

Type declaration

  • origin: Vector3

    The origin of the sphere.

  • radius: number

    The distance from origin of the sphere volume.




  • Create an ISensor which can sense and provide information about ISource.

    const sensor = await mpSdk.Sensor.createSensor(mpSdk.Sensor.SensorType.CAMERA);
    // add sources from calls to `Sensor.createSource()`
    // start listening for changes to the sensor's readings
      onAdded(source, reading) {
        console.log(, 'has a reading of', reading);
      onUpdated(source, reading) {
        console.log(, 'has an updated reading');
        if (reading.inRange) {
          console.log(, 'is currently in range');
          if (reading.inView) {
            console.log('... and currently visible on screen');


    Returns Promise<Sensor.ISensor>


  • Create a spherical ISource which can be sensed by an ISensor.
    A shallow copy of options.userData is applied to the Source upon creation.

    Omitting options.origin will default the source's volume.origin to { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }.
    Omitting options.radius will default the source's volume.radius to Infinity.

    const sources: Array<Sensor.ISource<Sensor.SphereVolume, { id: string }>> = await Promise.all([
      mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.SPHERE, {
        origin: { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 },
        radius: 20,
        userData: {
          id: 'sphere-source-1',
      mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.SPHERE, {
        radius: 4,
        userData: {
          id: 'sphere-source-2',
    // attach to a sensor previously created with `Sensor.createSensor()`

    Type parameters

    • UserData: Record<string, unknown>


    Returns Promise<Sensor.ISource<Sensor.SphereVolume, UserData>>

  • Create an box shaped ISource which can be sensed by an ISensor.
    A shallow copy of options.userData is applied to the Source upon creation.

    Omitting will default the source's to { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }.
    Omitting options.size will default the source's volume.size to { x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity }. Omitting options.orientation will default the source's volume.orientatin to { yaw: 0, pitch: 0, roll: 0 }.

    const sources: Array<Sensor.ISource<Sensor.BoxVolume, { id: string }>> = await Promise.all([
      mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.BOX, {
        center: { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 },
        size: { x: 2, y: 1, z: 2 },
        userData: {
          id: 'box-source-1',
      mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.BOX, {
        size: { x: 2: y: 2, z: 2 },
        orientation: { yaw: 45, pitch: 45, roll: 45 },
        userData: {
          id: 'box-source-2',
    // attach to a sensor previously created with `Sensor.createSensor()`

    Type parameters

    • UserData: Record<string, unknown>


    Returns Promise<Sensor.ISource<Sensor.BoxVolume, UserData>>

  • Create a cylindrical ISource which can be sensed by an ISensor.
    A shallow copy of options.userData is applied to the Source upon creation.

    Omitting options.basePoint will default the source's volume.basePoint to { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }.
    Omitting options.radius will default the source's volume.radius to Infinity.
    Omitting options.height will default the source's volume.height to Infinity.

    const sources: Array<Sensor.ISource<Sensor.CylinderVolume, { id: string }>> = await Promise.all([
      mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.CYLINDER, {
        basePoint: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
        radius: 2,
        height: 5,
        userData: {
          id: 'cylinder-source-1',
      mpSdk.Sensor.createSource(mpSdk.Sensor.SourceType.CYLINDER, {
        basePoint: { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 },
        radius: 3,
        userData: {
          id: 'cylinder-source-2',
    // attach to a sensor previously created with `Sensor.createSensor()`

    Type parameters

    • UserData: Record<string, unknown>


    Returns Promise<Sensor.ISource<Sensor.CylinderVolume, UserData>>