Graph | Matterport SDK
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AStarResult: object

The result of doing an A* search.

Type declaration

  • cost: number

    The total cost of tranversing the path.

  • path: Array<Graph.Vertex<T>>

    On success, contains the path of vertices.

  • status: Graph.AStarStatus

    Whether the search was successful, timed out, or if there was no path found.


Edge: object

A weighted, directed connection between two vertices.

Type declaration

  • Readonly dst: Graph.Vertex<T>

    The vertex at the destination of this edge.

  • Readonly src: Graph.Vertex<T>

    The vertex at the source of this edge.

  • Readonly weight: number

    The weight associated with this edge.


EdgeDescriptor: object

A descriptor for a graph edge. Used when adding edges to a graph.

Type declaration

  • dst: Graph.Vertex<T>

    The destination vertex.

  • src: Graph.Vertex<T>

    The source vertex.

  • Optional weight?: undefined | number

    The weight of the edge.


Vertex: object

A node in the graph.

Type declaration

  • Readonly data: T

    User data associated with the vertex.

  • Readonly edgesIn: IterableIterator<Graph.Edge<T>>

    An iterable of all edges that have this vertex as its destination endpoint.

    const vertex = graph.vertex('a');
    for (const edgeIn of vertex.edgesIn) {
      console.log(`vertex "${}" has an edge coming in from a vertex "${}"`);
  • Readonly edgesOut: IterableIterator<Graph.Edge<T>>

    An iterable of all edges that have this vertex as its source endpoint.

    const vertex = graph.vertex('a');
    for (const edgeOut of vertex.edgesOut) {
      console.log(`vertex "${}" has an edge going to a vertex "${}"`);
  • Readonly id: string

    The vertex's id.

  • Readonly neighbors: IterableIterator<Graph.Vertex<T>>

    An iterable of all vertices that can be traversed to from this vertex.

    const vertex = graph.vertex('a');
    for (const neighbor of vertex.neighbors) {
      console.log(`vertex "${}" shares an edge with "${}");


VertexDescriptor: object

A descriptor for a graph vertex. Used when adding vertices to a graph.

Type declaration

  • data: T

    Any user data to be associated with this vertex

  • id: string

    The id that can be used to lookup this vertex in the graph


VertexIdDescriptor: object

A descriptor for a graph vertex when no extra data will be associated with each vertex. Used when adding vertices to a graph.

Type declaration

  • id: string

    The id that can be used to lookup this vertex in the graph



  • embed


    Create a "runner" for the A* algorithm around a graph, and start and end vertices.

    The runner encapsulates the details of the graph and search, caches the results of A*, and provides a way to subscribe to potential changes in the path signifying that the results of [[Graph.AStarRunner.exec]] may have changed.

    const graph = mpSdk.Graph.createDirectedGraph();
    // ... setup graph vertices and edges
    const start = graph.vertex('start');
    const end = graph.vertex('end');
    const aStarRunner = mpSdk.Graph.createAStarRunner(graph, start, end);
    const result = aStarRunner.exec();

    Type parameters

    • T


    Returns Graph.IAStarRunner<T>

    A runner for A* that can execute the search or be subscribed to.


  • embed


    Create an empty graph data structure.

    const graph = mpSdk.Graph.createDirectedGraph();

    Type parameters

    • T

      The type of any user data associated with each vertex in the graph.


    • Optional onDispose: undefined | function

      An optional callback to be called when IDirectedGraph.dispose is called

    Returns Graph.IDirectedGraph<T>