SceneComponentOptions | Matterport SDK
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  • object
    • SceneComponentOptions


[name: string]: unknown




[Component.AMBIENT_LIGHT]: LightComponentCommonOptions


[Component.CAMERA]: object

Type declaration

  • Optional camera?: Camera | null

    A three.js camera object.

    Default null

  • Optional enabled?: undefined | false | true

    If true, this components acquires control of the camera.

    Default false


[Component.DAE_LOADER]: LoaderCommonOptions


[Component.DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT]: LightComponentCommonOptions & object


[Component.FBX_LOADER]: LoaderCommonOptions


[Component.GLTF_LOADER]: LoaderCommonOptions


[Component.INPUT]: object

Type declaration

  • Optional eventsEnabled?: undefined | false | true

    If true, events will be available for binding or spying. If false, no events will fire.

    Default true

  • Optional unfiltered?: undefined | false | true

    If set to false, the input component will only receive unhandled events.

    Default true

  • Optional userNavigationEnabled?: undefined | false | true

    If set to false, all showcase user based navigation will be turned off.

    Default true


[Component.OBJ_LOADER]: LoaderCommonOptions & object


[Component.POINT_LIGHT]: LightComponentCommonOptions & object


[Component.TRANSFORM_CONTROLS]: object

Type declaration

  • Optional mode?: "translate" | "rotate" | "scale"

    The transformation mode.

    Default translate

  • Optional selection?: Scene.INode | null

    The node being controlled by this component.

    Default null (hidden)

  • Optional showX?: undefined | false | true

    X axis control visibility.

    Default true

  • Optional showY?: undefined | false | true

    Y axis control visibility.

    Default true

  • Optional showZ?: undefined | false | true

    Z axis control visibility.

    Default true

  • Optional size?: undefined | number

    The size of the transform control.

    Default 1

  • Optional visible?: undefined | false | true

    If true the transform control is visible in the scene.

    Default true


[Component.XR]: Record<string, never>